Solexperts, una empresa suiza de ingeniería de alta innovación que trabaja muy estrechamente con la ETH, es socia de nuestra Cámara desde el año 2010.
Nos encontramos con su gerente general, Thomas Trick, y su gerente comercial, Michael Kech, durante los LatAm Days en Zürich. Thomas Trick es doctor en hidrogeología por la Universidad de Catalunya (UPC), con una especialización en hidráulica de aguas subterráneas, testeo in situ y modelación de flujos de aguas subterráneas. Trabaja desde 1998 en Solexperts, donde ha estado muy vinculado con la investigación y pruebas en terreno, entre otro en mediciones de tensión de roca por fracturación hidráulica y, anteriormente, el manejo de basura radioactiva en laboratorios de roca.
Presentaremos esta entrevista en inglés.
Thomas and Michael, please tell us shortly about Solexperts and its main experience:
Since more than 35 years, Solexperts AG provides support in geotechnical, hydrogeological and underground works– with proven measurement concepts, globally-recognized measuring systems and high-quality techniques, instrumentation, monitoring and field testing methods. We are involved in a broad range of projects – including large tunnels, caverns, dams, shafts, unstable slopes, natural hazards and radioactive waste disposals in numerous countries.
Beside our 30 engineers and geologists we have our own mechanic and electronic workshops with 25 employees which enables us to offer complete project handling – from the design of the suitable measurement concept to the development and production of innovative, custom-made measuring instruments and test systems to instrumentation, in-situ testing, analysis and online data visualization.
Which services are most demanded today? Who are your clients?
Due to the rising demand for deep open pit and underground mining with big slopes, access tunnels and shafts, our instruments and services can help to optimize the design, realization and monitoring of all necessary construction works.
Normally, people call us when they need a highly individual, innovative solution in complex situations. This may be before starting a project, but also during the overall project and construction or exploration cycle, above all, when specific difficulties arise.
In the evaluation stage, the services may be: stress measurements; displacement and deformation measurements; rock mechanical properties; hydraulic or pneumatic testing or water sampling; hydraulic testing in vertical, directional or horizontal boreholes with high back pressures or unstable conditions. The depth can be 300m or even 2.000m.
During process development, services mainly include monitoring and data management for the client, e.g. continuous displacement measurements in the stepwise excavation of tunnels, slope cuttings and deep excavations; also custom-made, for long-term hydraulic monitoring and sampling of aquifers.
In short, we are there, when nobody else can, with solutions we can develop specifically for the existing challenges.
What has been your work experience in Latin America?
We have already performed so called “in-situ” tests in boreholes, which comprises hydraulic double packer tests in deep boreholes for the characterization of an aquifer as well as tests in deep and shallow boreholes to determine the E- and D- rock modules and the primary stress field.
At this moment, we are participating in the Agua Negra project in the previous testings.
In-situ testing for the Agua Negra Tunnel Project
Michael Kech (inglés), Thomas Trick (español)
Mettlenbachstrasse 25
CH-8617 Mönchaltorf, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 8062929,,